Sunday, February 11, 2007

Flickr-interesting photo!

interesting. I've never even heard of Flickr before. It seems like a cool way to share photos. When I wanted to search for a photo a ton came up! For example, when I typed in Wolves in the search field, not only pictures of wolves came up, but picturs of people and dogs and other things. I wondered why because people are obvioulsy not wolves, but because of the tags that were under that picture is why it came up. so i uploaded the photo to the left. the reason i chose this one to blog about is because i typed in 'love' in the search engine and this was the first picture on the list!! For some reason it caught my eye, because at first when you look at it, you think the girl covering her mouth is a mirror right? which, apparently it is, just set a few seconds in the future! at least thats what one of the things said on the page. I thought it was amusing that it came up under the tag 'love'.
So i read about what groups are, and apparently if you have a picture you can add to a group set of photos, you just join that group. you have to become a member of it though. Anyways, Flickr seems interesting, but i never would have found out about it before, considering i never put pictures up online for others to view!

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